R Line After Dark

Lead Designer / Developer


R Line After Dark

Lead Designer / Developer


R Line After Dark

Lead Designer / Developer



The Game

R Line After Dark is a deceptively simple rhythm game where players take control of a metro train, picking up and dropping off passengers to the beat of 4 different synthwave tracks.


To the beat, players need to press the right buttons to pick up and drop off passengers as the train revolves around the track. Instead of traditional difficulty levels, the beatmap for each song remains the same, but the specificity of inputs ramps up, first only requiring one input, upping to 2, and then lastly increasing to directional inputs. Scoring ramps with combo length and accuracy so with 4 tracks, 3 difficulty levels, and skillful gameplay leads R Line to have high replayability.



R Line After Dark was developed over a month for a Music and Gameplay class. It started out as an initial prototype that I made in a week. I then brought on a composer to create more songs while I fleshed out the mechanics and added more features. Lastly, another developer joined the team to help add more complex features while I worked to polish the game and make it feel like a cohesive experience.



Sold in Itch.io's “Queer Games Bundle 2021” which earned >$100,000 in revenue
